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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Civilized Person...

A Civilized Person…

Heavy is the Heart, that Wields the Sword, for the Burden of the Blood Spilt. –Vincent Dunlap
Shadows of Humanity, Vainness of Society, Ch. 9, Strength and Honor

To be Civilized is to be Moral, Ethical, and Honorable
I know my title is redundant for in order to be a person you must be civilized, but hey, I needed an intriguing title. A title that would attract a person towards learning the meaning. The word Person necessarily does not stand for Human. Humanity is JUST a genetic displacement, disambiguation from other living organisms. Humanity is NOT a philosophical idea, nor has any philosophical meaning.
            The only thing that separates US from other living organisms is the ability to BE civilized, be PEOPLE when we CHOOSE, over acting as barbaric, savage, uncivilized, HUMAN animals. What we ARE is through Who we ARE, and that is solely dependent on our actions.
To be a Person or an Animal is whether you think or not.

Civilized Human Person – Civilized Human, a Person takes what is said and analyzes it to know why it is said, instead of emotionally reacting, so one can answer appropriately. A civilized human is polite, well-bred, well-mannered, refined, emotionally self-controlled, organized. A civilized human person uses methodology to solve situations instead of ASSUMPTIONS, brainless, thoughtless guesses that creates arrogance (creating facts with baseless, groundless, unfounded, worthless, bogus, futile, cheap, useless information (sounds like religion to me)).

Civilized Feelings – Love (there is logic to Love), Sympathy, Logical Understanding, Remorse (feeling responsible), Guilt (accepting responsibility), Moderation (tempering, controlling one’s actions), Emotional Self-control, Seriousness, and Sincerity. Why are these civilized? Because they are complex, not simple-minded.

The problem with cultures, is that we think, just because someone is part of a culture, they are civilized. That is ignorant and hypocritical. A culture is strictly defined by the traditions it is made of. Most of ALL cultures out there judge themselves as Evil and Savage because of the cruel and primitive traditions that design the cultures for what they are.
Examples are seeing women is society as second class citizens, secular education (education without religious standards to pervert it) as not a primary importance, enslaving children, viewing material wealth more important than emotional strength, etc…
Actions Dictate, Period!!!

Savage Human Animal – A savage human is untamed, rude, crude, wild, uneducated, brutal, boorish, arrogant, selfish, narrow-minded, short-sighted, violent, bigoted, immoral, unethical, unjust, etcetera…sounds again like religion and ALL religious cultures.

Savage Brainless Feelings – These are primordial emotions based off instinct…Fear, Anger, Disgust, Happiness, Sadness, Surprise, Lust, Rage, all Narcissistic feelings (selfish, self-centered, self-serving, self-absorbed, self-indulgence, and self-deluded hypocrisy).

Animal Emotions... 

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